A Communications Ministry
of the
Protestant, Orthodox, and Episcopal Churches
of Greater Chicago
in cooperation with
The Council of Religious Leaders
of Metropolitan Chicago

Watch our Sanctuary Broadcast
Sundays at Noon in March, June, September, and December
on ABC's The Localish Network​
An In-depth documentary journal on religion and culture on ABC Channel 7.2, The Live Well Network
shot on location and edited by Tim Frakes Productions and hosted by Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III.
on ABC 7.2, The Localish Network.
The Localish Network is on the following channels in the Chicago area:
Over the air: 7.2
Charter: 608
Comcast Xfinity: 217, 1178
Mediacom: 723
RCN: 618
WOW!: 219

A Message from the Chair of the Board of Directors
As I begin, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the Board Members, our relentlessly determined, committed Executive Director Lydia Talbot, and dedicated Producer/Editor Eric Diekhans for the many ways you have made the finest of bricks with little or no straw. Thank you also Tim Frakes and our numerous volunteers for the many ways you go beyond the call of duty.
Like all our covenant partners, we too find ourselves living and serving in what many describe as a liminal season where previously patterned existences which were most predictable and comfortable faces uncertainty going forward. Liminal spaces certainly have the potential to transform. However, there is no guarantee of transformation if thoughtful choices have no hearing.
Through this continuing pandemic we have seen much in terms of new ways to work, connect, and support one another. In this reality, we have had to adjust, juggle, learn, be creative and adapt.
In our liminal time it can be most tempting to want everything to just go back to normal-back to the way things always were, or to continue doing what we have always done without some assessment. But to return to normal, or to uncritically go on, stands missing God's invitation for newness for renewal.
Pruning produces new fruit. New fruit makes new wine. New wine requires new wineskins. Here, I am not suggesting that we throw everything of the past out the window. But I do believe we would be most foolish if we do not use this liminal space we are in with our supporting churches and judicatories to wrestle with innovative ideas that could engender a fresh new vitality in our witness. Such wrestling could very well keep us on a journey of openness and adaptation in going wherever God might lead us.
May we resist ancient voices that say, “Let us return to Egypt!" Instead, may we use this
liminal time to discern ways of adaption to have a future with hope.
Rev. Myron McCoy
Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church Chicago Temple
Chair, Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries